In the present context, we see doom and gloom everywhere around us. A sense of pessimism pervades through the entire nation. From “we are the next superpower” mindset we have now entered into a state of helplessness and weakness. No wonder everyone seems to make a joke of us. From a country that regularly elects clowns, to a tiny country that is expected to entirely submerge in due course of time with global warming, no one takes us seriously enough. Pakistan regularly humiliates us and the entire experience with Pakistan reminds me of Elmer Fudd’s attempts in catching Bugs Bunny (No rewards for guessing who is what here). But we continue to prod on, always thinking that it could have been worse.
Anyways why the hell should we worry about how India is treated by other nations? As long as we are happy and content in our lives, we really don’t give a damn about such things. Only a few lunatic nationalists cry hoarse over such incidents, after all we are all more worried about our next trip to Europe and what if deterioration of relations results in us not getting tourist visas (Apparently, 9L tourists visited Europe from India last year)
Coming to domestic front, the economy seems to huffing and puffing and chugging along at a meagerly Nehru growth rate of 5%. A key indicator of future growth prospects, capital goods output continues to fall. Some reports even suggest that we may have to face sluggish growth rate till the end of the decade. Infrastructure formation is crawling at speed faster than ludicrous speed. As this report clearly indicates UPA government’s mismanagement is the key factor for the slowdown in infrastructure formation. Our current account deficit is hovering at a dangerous level of 5.3% as compared to a surplus of 1-2% in the early 2000s. Given that most of this deficit is being financed by highly liquid FII inflows which have a high tendency to bolt off with just a whiff of worsening in the situation. The country is at a perilous stage. Imagine the plight of the country if due to global shock, FII’s were to leave in droves, India will face a Balance of payments crisis of unprecedented nature. To add to all of these, we have numerous corruption scams that seem to prop everyday whose reach and scale can beat any of the recent internet sensations. All these should worry any common citizen (I mean highly educated middle and upper class commoners), right??.We could expect angry citizens (??) to vent their fury come Election Day. We can expect historic results from the next elections just like in those European nations that we so desperately aspire to be. Right??
This is where most of us are wrong. All of the above things matter to us and at more fundamental level that we never think. Infrastructures, growth, GDP, current account deficits, corruption, etc all influence one elementary factor that affects most of our lives. This factor is nothing but our jobs, our careers and its growth. Unless we are public sector employees, rest of us are clearly dependent on our jobs, bonuses for all the luxuries that we afford in our lives. And all the above factors can really upset the delicate balance that we have carefully built in our lives. Why??
Because when the economy does badly, most companies also do. When your company does badly, it affects your career. Your bonuses have shrunken in the last couple of years faster than matter and time at the edge of a black hole. Promotions have become scarcer than Sir Ravindra Jadeja’s centuries. All those neat little calculations on paying your EMI’s for your cars, apartments and other things have gone for a toss. Even the carefully built protective bubble around your life has been penetrated by the obnoxious external doom and gloom. For it is the simple rule of mathematics, that when the whole is divided, so are the constituents of the whole. The weights might be different but division will occur irrespective of your efforts to preserve status quo.
Hence it is my humble request to all my friends to stop being cynical and pessimistic and start thinking positively on how to bring about change. To stop living in carefully constructed “dream” lives and start interacting and responding to the external environment. To stop believing in the non sense of two different worlds of “India” and “Bharat” and start understanding that, we all are leaving in the same country. And finally to stop treating every Election Day as an holiday and start thinking seriously about voting the right candidates. Right candidates doesn’t mean candidates who act and speak like you and who have similar qualifications but candidates who speak the right thing irrespective of his background or party. For every vote is crucial, and it is not crucial because it will change the destiny of the nation, or dramatically improve our fortunes, makes us a superpower, eradicate poverty, stop crimes and corruptions completely but for the simple fact that you’re entirely constructed structured lives depend on it. For without our jobs, bonuses and promotions, we cannot have our beautiful apartments, sporty cars and holidays to exotic locations.
So please register yourself and cast your vote in the next election (to any candidate!!!)