Sunday, February 24, 2013

Libtards and their logical fallacies

Libtards is portmanteau of two words “Liberal” and “Retards”. The word broadly defines a political species that dominates the opinion making establishment in the country. Even though this species has nothing remotely to do with Liberalism, it still propagates Retarded behavior in the name of liberalism. Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. Liberalism by definition stands for as Wikipedia quotes below
Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas such as free and fair elections, civil rights, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free trade, and private property

But as I will show below, the species of Libtards don’t truly believe in any of the ideas that are commonly considered liberal by philosophy but their behavior on the other hand can completely be explained by the retarded nature of their thinking.
Let us start with the freedom of religion, Libtards do not really believe in freedom of religion. Their philosophy towards religion is that anything is fine except for Hinduism. In fact, they display maniacal hatred towards Hinduism or anything that is remotely associated with Hinduism. They will not let go of any opportunity to demean and condemn the religion. I personally have no issues with people criticizing Hinduism as long it is logical and sensible. I believe without an intelligent discussion, Hinduism will never be able to progress further. And here in lies the crucial difference between Liberals and Libtards, Liberals criticize the Neanderthalic  practices that some practitioners of Hinduism still follow, which is by all means sensible and understandable, but the ways in which Libtards criticize Hinduism and the logical reasoning they follow demonstrates how completely retarded they are in their thinking process.
Let me illustrate this, recently when the Delhi gang rape had occurred and there were huge protests and demonstrations in Delhi. One of the “Liberals” managed to find a way to criticize Hinduism for being responsible for the gang rape. You may ask how?
The “Liberal” argued that the main reason for the occurrence of the Delhi gang rape and other rape cases in India was solely because of Vivekananda. He/she goes on further and states that it is in fact the masculine pose of Vivekananda that was responsible for all the ills in the society. Yes, I know such reasoning is beyond my understanding or the limited analytical capabilities that my mind possesses.  The argument that one religion is solely responsible for the deterioration of public safety is laughable. Rapes occur everywhere, in all countries with all possible religious followers and also in communist countries where there are no followers of any religion. Surely, it is a law and order problem, the failure of which in the Indian case squarely lies on the present governmental disposition that is ruling us, but Libtards who believe in freedom of religion could not miss an opportunity to demonstrate the same.
Going to the next topic that Libtards are supposed to believe in is freedom of speech. But the Libtards definition of freedom of speech goes something like this “I have all the freedom to criticize any god damn thing in the world, but anyone else criticizing me or my beliefs is either a terrorist, hate monger, etc and should be immediately locked up in Jail.” Let me demonstrate this, one of the leading anchors (so he/she thinks) of one of the prime time English news channels (so they think) doesn’t miss an opportunity to fight for the cause of freedom of speech. Whether it is defending M.F.Hussain, or some of the leading Libtards figures who believe that the nation should either be run by Pakistan or by the communists from china, this leading anchor is in the forefront of the battle for one of the cherished fundamental right.
So what do you think would happen if someone were to criticize her work? The champion of freedom of speech would accept his/her critic’s freedom of speech and would either react by furnishing his/her side of the argument or ignore the whole thing. But NO, this anchor went all the way and brought out a defamation case on a common blogger who dared to criticize his/her handling of 26/11 coverage. The blog post was forcibly removed and the author was forced to tender an apology. And in reality, the entire blog was about shoddy journalism in general, but this anchor took it personally and decided to “champion” the freedom of speech of this commoner.
Now let’s get to free and fair elections, Liberals by philosophy support free and fair elections and respect the mandate of such elections. Though they might criticize the elected government, they would never question the legitimacy of the same. But Libtards in India only believe in free and fair elections when a similar party with Libtardian disposition forms the government. Any other government is treated like an enemy of the state which needs to be removed as first opportunity arises. There are enough evidences in the internet about what I am speaking about, so I will not delve much into the topic. All I will state is that Libtards believe in totalitarianism that masquerades as democratic ones. They would prefer Hitler/ Iranian/ East German elections where the same ruling government is elected time, time and again. No wonder all the communist halves of divided country had the word Democratic attached to it, (this fact was illustrated humorously in Yes minister Watch after 3:20).
Finally coming to last topic, free trade and private property, Libtards do not believe in free markets. The only thing they believe is in Hippy style community based societies, they dream of making India a big NGO where they and similar minded people are in charge. They despise capitalists and entrepreneurs and disdain wealth creation for they are evil and should be eliminated in initial stage itself. The only good thing that wealth can be used for is redistribution, equity and so and so forth. Sadly they don’t realize that without any creation there won’t be any wealth to redistribute. They are also under the misconception that growth and equity are two things that need to be balanced. Their Fundamentals of economics are idiotic to say the least. Except a few, most of them do not understand the basics of commerce, trade and economics work. A regular columnist in one of his article quoted that one of the founder of NGO when asked where the money will come for implementation of the food subsidy bill replied that government can create any amount of money required. This kind of illiteracy combined with need for grandiose schemes has been detrimental to the country. I have in my previous blog, how such hair brained schemes designed by the esteemed members of NAC has resulted in rampant inflation, hurting the salaried class and has made India extremely vulnerable to global headwinds.  They are against industrialization, modernization but keep on speaking about progressiveness of the society. They believe in subsistence economy and government dole outs are the ideal solution for the elevation of poverty. They will oppose development in the name of environment, farmers, tribal and so and so forth without understanding the damage they are doing for the same populace that they are protecting.
I clearly remember, once a prominent writer had written an article describing about the poverty in Orissa and the existence of starvation in the region. The writer than goes on to blames the middle class for not being sympathetic towards such people and condemned their ignorance and apathy towards the same. The article goes on further and ridicules the materialistic life, which the middle class follows, too much interested in their own selfish interests. Interestingly in the next article, the writer writes about her trips to Turkey, Greece on vacation where she enjoyed all the material comforts the world can offer. Surely this hypocrisy at the best, for writing one article doesn’t amount actually helping those people whom you were purporting to help. One cannot claim moral high ground just by condemning others and accusing them of ignorance. It is my belief that the common man is more sympathetic towards the downtrodden in our society then these celebrities who fake their concern and claim moral superiority based on the same.
These celebrities are the same who travel in SUVs everywhere and turn up to run in green marathons and protest felling up of trees, damming of rivers and so on and so forth. They need to practice what they preach and should learn from one of their icons Gandhi about following up with actions rather than speaking endlessly on the same topic. They talk about helping the poor, but have no qualms being associated with people who drunk drive on hapless pedestrians and kill them or who go and hunt wild bucks for fun. The same people are invited for promoting worthy causes while in fact such people should be behind bars. Hypocrisy is the tell tale sign of a Libtard species.
Hence Libtards are never liberal from any perspective but are complete retards from every perspective. They propagate communist, narcissist and anarchistic ideologies in the guise of liberalism. Retards exists in the entire range of political spectrum from right wing extremists to left wing loonies, but these retards are distinctive due to their control over the main stream media and their prominence in setting up agenda for the nation and in the development of “idea of India”.
When you see a Libtard, proceed with care. You will never defeat them in an argument since they do not believe in logical reasoning. They will use circuitous and cyclical arguments to win their case and utilize firepower to establish dominance. They are the believers of Goebbels (though all Libtards hate him) that a lie repeated hundred times becomes the truth.
The only way to defeat a Libtard is to be first aware of the species and next to completely ignore them. Hence it is imperative for every one of us to spread awareness about this vicious species so that we can collectively banish them from the corridors of power. This is the only viable solution for this cancerous problem. Therefore I request each and every one to create awareness so that we can finally end their dominance.